Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Dwelling on What's Pure and Lovely

Philippians 4:8 gives us clear instructions on what we are to allow our minds to dwell on. Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, let your mind dwell on these things.

We are to dwell on whatever is pure—undefiled, unstained, not mixed with sin. What kind of input are we filling our minds with? What are we watching? Listening to? Reading? Talking about? What do we think about when no one else is around? Is it pure?

When I set my mind on impure thoughts, I set my course for unrighteousness and immorality.

The next description of thinking that is pleasing to God is lovely. I used to be confused about this word. Does this mean I am supposed to think about something lovely, like a beautiful sunset? I later learned more about this term. We are to think about things that are pleasing, sweet, gracious, generous. Literally, the term means towards love. The basic idea when applied to thinking is a thought which is toward love, planning or concentration which will bring about a loving act.

This is the kind of thinking we are exhorted to in Hebrews 10:24--And let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds.

What can I think, do, or say, that will show love to someone else? How can God use me to minister to someone else? How can I encourage others to love and good deeds? This kind of thinking switches the focus from self to loving and serving God and others.

Relationships can be challenging because imperfect people are interacting with other imperfect people. Do you dwell on the strengths of others, or their weaknesses? Do you thank God for the people He has placed in your life? Do we tell others things we appreciate about them, or do we more often complain and nag? Do we make ourselves easy for others to love?

When set my mind on unlovely thoughts, I set my course for discouragement, self-centeredness, and loneliness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Mom, Thanks for posting these blogs on what we should be thinking about. They are helping me to set my mind on these things!